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【学术报告】阿尔伯塔大学Zengtao Chen教授——Non-Fourier heat conduction in cracked structures

2024-11-20  点击:[]

关于阿尔伯塔大学Zengtao Chen教授学术讲座的通知


2024年11月21日9:00来自阿尔伯塔大学Zengtao Chen教授建工学院厚兴楼(3号实验楼)307举行题为《Non-Fourier heat conduction in cracked structures》的学术讲座。该学术报告主要解决含有裂纹结构的傅里叶热传导问题,主要涉及材料力学、断裂力学等力学相关研究,诚邀学院相关领域的老师和学生参加本次学术讲座。




Dr. Zengtao Chen joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Alberta as a Professor in August 2014. He has been a faculty member with the Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of New Brunswick for ten years prior to the current position with UofA. His research areas include Mechanics of Materials, Materials Modelling, and Damage and Fracture Mechanics. His recent work includes multiscale modelling of deformation and damage evolution in aluminum and steel alloys, advanced thermal stress analysis of smart materials and structures, nanostructures, and composite structures. He is a Fellow of CAE, ASME and CSME.



上一条:【学术讲堂】 施华斌 博士,澳门大学:海底—近岸水沙灾害流两相动力特性浅析 下一条:【学术讲堂】 王本龙 教授,上海交通大学:自由表面流动研究进展:水波与空化
