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2019-05-16  点击:[]

The First Call for Papers

The 18th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE 2019)

Oct. 28 - 30, 2019


Pukyong National University, Busan, Republic  of Korea


You are cordially invited at the 18th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, hosted by Pukyong National University, located in Busan, the 2nd largest city of the Republic of Korea. The ICCEE 2019 provides multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the field of civil and environmental engineering. We can also share academic achievements and education experiences.


The ICCEE 2019 is accepting research articles, technical notes, and review papers for any subject of civil engineering, environmental engineering, and multidisciplinary. The form for an extended abstract can be found in the attachment. 

Important dates are as follows:
• June 30, 2019 :: Abstract submission deadline
• August 31, 2019 :: Registration opens, Provisional program opens (Keynote speakers)
• September 23, 2019 :: distribute Program and proceeding
• October 28-30, 2019 :: Conference
We look forward to hosting you in Busan. Please feel free to distribute this announcement to your colleagues.
Best regards,
Chairman of the local organizing committee,
Yun-Tae Kim, Professor (yuntkim@pknu.ac.kr)
Secretary of the local organizing committee  ,

Jin Ho Lee, Professor (jholee0218@pknu.ac.kr)



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